There are actually a great deal of very knowledgeable and well-equipt multi-lateral and non-governmental organizations working tirelessly to fight human trafficking. While children do make up a percent of the global population that is trafficked (25%), the majority of those who are trafficked are forced laborers (81%) and women/girls (75%). Baseless and fact-less theories that perpetuate these false conceptions of what human trafficking is actually can do real harm to the majority of populations that are being trafficked.
Some questions that might actually address policy change and real social welfare change are:
- Many runaway children become trafficked (1 in 6). What could we do to support families and prevent them from needing/wanting to runaway?
- How can we ensure that we personally don’t buy from companies using forced labor? How can we create policies to sanction countries allowing forced labor to continue?
- How can we actively and positively support sex workers so that they are not abused and trafficked?
Danny — If this is truly a topic you care deeply about, I would recommend broadening your lens and learning more. Here are two great podcasts that cover the topic in a comprehensive and important way: